Amy Jeffs
Amy Jeffs

Long-term care providers will learn help strategies for dealing with technology bugbears at “Closing the Great Disconnect — What Are You Waiting For?” This webinar will be held on 1 p.m. ET, Thursday, Feb. 20.

Webinar participants will learn:

  • What technologies senior consumers are using and why
  • What seniors want to see happen
  • Why you need to connect them, their families and professional caregivers to everyone’s benefit
  • How to get your organization plugged in and ready for current residents and baby boomers on the way

Derek Dunham, the vice president at Varsity, and Amy Jeffs, the vice president at Status Solutions, will be featured speakers. The webinar will be moderated by John O’Connor, vice president, associate publisher and editorial director at McKnight’s. It is sponsored by Status Solutions.

Click here to register.