Jason Gatherum, Rocky Mountain Care
Jason Gatherum, Rocky Mountain Care

Instant consumer feedback has become paramount in today’s competitive long-term care industry, so comments offered by patients, residents and family members are invaluable in helping operators improve services. That’s why management at Rocky Mountain Care in Salt Lake City is excited about the Pinnacle Quality Insight CareReview application for electronic devices. With the touch of a few buttons on an iPad or mobile phone, the care provider can get a real-time assessment of what constituents think about care provision, food service and customer relations.

“We are able to quickly identify if there are issues we need to handle,” says Jason Gatherum, vice president of business development. “If we see a trend emerging, we can address it immediately.”

The Pinnacle system has been adopted in all seven Rocky Mountain Care skilled nursing facility sites in Utah and Wyoming.

Feedback app

Pinnacle CareReview gives facility operators instant feedback on performance. The online survey is designed to help managers identify issues and promote excellent service.

For more information:

(877) 791-2311
