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» A new system from researchers at MIT and Israel’s Technion and Tel Aviv University can confirm computer programs running on the cloud are working properly. The system ensures there is no malicious code that could compromise legitimate applications. The researchers presented study results from their system at the International Cryptology Conference. Their system would mean, for example, that medical data in a huge database could be searched for any patterns indicating a violation of patient privacy.

» A robot that could help residents who have fallen, and send an alert when there’s unusual behavior, is currently being developed in Europe, according to The Telegraph. Researchers at universities in Britain, Sweden, Austria and Germany are hoping to program robots to analyze their environment for suspicious items or dangerous situations. The project, known as STRAND, consists of developing a robot that could be on 24-hour surveillance throughout a long-term care facility.

» Healthcare technology can greatly help or harm the care residents receive. Recognizing this dichotomy, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has issued a health IT safety plan. The plan attempts to improve the existing health IT structure by recommending the use of public/private partnerships to educate clinicians and healthcare professionals and put resources into the creation of a more robust and uniform health IT system.

» A Quebec professor has created an algorithm that dissects brain waves of varying frequencies, and found that those with Alzheimer’s disease have different patterns. He has made his work available on in order for other researchers to join in refining the diagnostic tool. Results appeared in PLOS One.

» Duke University recently launched the Duke Institute for Health Innovation. The initiative is intended to bring together experts from across the healthcare industry, academia and government to develop new approaches to delivering care, train the healthcare workforce, and apply technology and health policy to improve healthcare access, quality and affordability.