Elizabeth Leis Newman
Elizabeth Leis Newman

For all of our talk about the need for retention in long-term care, let’s be honest: It can be thrilling for caregivers to land a new job, and can be equally exciting to announce someone is coming to your organization.

That’s why McKnight’s is excited to announce the launch of On the Move, a dedicated section of its website highlighting promotions and new positions for providers and vendors.

This stems directly from feedback we’ve received from readers: They like to know who is going where. Knowledge is currency in these cases. Administrators need to know who their competition has hired; vendors need to know who the upcoming decision-makers are or who rivals have grabbed; and everyone likes to be able to see where long-lost coworkers land.

It also helps keep you prepared with quality small talk for industry gatherings: “Did you hear Jane Doe is going to Happy Care Nursing Center as its vice president?” is far less problematic for your career than blurting out “So I heard Jane Doe is leaving _______ (her job, her husband, her mind — insert one),” during an awkward silence.

More seriously, as Editor James M. Berklan wrote yesterday, national recognition for your facility is important. Our hope with this section is it allows both small and large facilities and companies to position the names of their employees in McKnight’s.

We ask that you send us these announcements for manager-and-above levels and include the employee’s:

• Official new title

• Previous positions

• Education obtained

• A color photo (just a basic head shot)

We have divided the section into two parts: People on the Move, which includes all providers, academics and policymakers; and Vendors on the Move, which is exactly what it sounds like.

We welcome your thoughts on this section, as well as the website and magazine in general. As hard as we try, we’re not mind readers, and we always appreciate it when you tell us what you do, or don’t, like.

We think you’ll like this latest enhancement.