James M. Berklan, McKnight's Editor
James M. Berklan, McKnight’s Editor

How could we not see it coming? That’s the question I asked myself Tuesday.

When we write our daily news items, it’s usually not hard to predict which will be the most popular. Certain topics, companies or buzzwords will guarantee a lot of clicks into stories.

Accordingly, we usually put the most likely heavy hitters at the top of each day’s dispatches and home page arrangement. On Tuesday, however, we might have had things inverted. Our last item proved our most popular, by far.

It happens, but how could we have been so blind? In hindsight, it was all there to see in the headline and lead: Nurses who “gain power.” Physician assessments. The INTERACT II tool. Reducing hospital readmissions.

At first, one might think he or she would be reading about ways nurses could assess docs. Now, that would be worth reading about. Still, the piece moved into the highly readable topic of communicating better with physicians and learning new skills.

“It’s a way to empower nurses,” observed Sheila Capitosti, a nursing executive. That’s good enough right there.

It also can cut costs — another golden phrase. So if you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you do. It’s a fine dispatch by McKnight’s Senior Editor Elizabeth Newman, reporting from the American College of Health Care Administrator’s annual meeting in Orlando.

And then keep on reading. Every day. You never know what’s going to await you, or where it will come from.