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An effective, interdisciplinary approach to wound care can reduce rehospitalizations and help facilities avoid litigation, experts said in a webcast on the final day of the McKnight’s Online Expo.

A former certified nursing assistant herself, presenter Angel McGarrity-Davis, RNC, CDONA, CDP, NHA, CEO of AMD HealthCare Solutions, stressed that CNAs are crucial members of the wound care team. They are often the ones who can spot potential wounds earliest and start prevention measures, so McGarrity-Davis recommends having in-service sessions for them specifically.

“We as an industry have to do better with certified nursing assistants,” she said. “They have a two-week class and then we’re expecting them to really take it and give us the answers.”

Steven Bowman, M.D., co-presented the webcast with McGarrity-Davis. The McKnight’s Online Expo, which had record attendance, wrapped up with a session on financing options led by Michael Hargrave, vice president of NIC Market Area profiles.

As a continuation of the expo, six additional Super Tuesday webcasts will be offered. The first of these free sessions is April 16, and the topic is reimbursement.

Continuing education credits are available for all six Super Tuesday webcasts. Those who register will also be able to access archived versions of the Online Expo webcasts, although CE credits are only available for viewing sessions live. Online Expo participants can access Super Tuesday events by simply logging back onto the event website.

Registration for the Super Tuesday webcasts is easy and quick, at