John McGee
John McGee


As people live longer and our aging population increases, more and more people will be searching for and requiring long-term care or assisted living facilities. Choosing the right caregiver depends on a variety of personal preferences, needs and budget, but a potential customer cannot even begin to consider your services if they have never heard of you.

Whether you choose to market through direct-mailings, pamphlets in doctors’ offices, online advertising, magazine or television placements, a flash-in-the-pan approach to marketing and selling your facility is not the answer to increasing your clientele. According to research by Marketing Sherpa, 79% of marketing leads never convert to sales due to lack of lead nurturing. Once you have a potential client’s interest, it is vital to continue the sales process without any drop-offs in communication. Marketing and sales automation software can change that.

Capable of automating everything from lead distribution to your sales team, notifications for sales follow-ups and more, OptifiNow is a simple-to-use tool that can drastically increase business. One of our customers, Pre-Diabetes Centers, recently used our lead management and sales process automation tools to increase their lead conversion rate by 30%.

Their goals for using OptifiNow were to consolidate multiple marketing and CRM systems into one integrated platform while improving communications to customers, increasing conversion rates of leads to customers, and creating a system to score and rank leads to keep the sales team focused on the best sales opportunities. Most importantly, they needed a tool that would make their sales team more efficient and customers more prepared and ready to buy before an inside sales team member ever set foot in a doctor’s office.

To help Pre-Diabetes Centers improve its marketing and sales processes, OptifiNow deployed a comprehensive and flexible sales automation solution comprised of three of its modules: Lead Management, Marketing Automation and Sales Process Automation.

All web-based leads were tracked by Leads OnDemand and synched to OptifiNow’s CRM system for the Pre-Diabetes Centers’ sales team. Outbound email and direct mail nurturing campaigns were automatically initiated as each lead was captured.  And, each lead was automatically communicated via a pre-approved nurturing scheme that had been developed to best convert the opportunity. A series of touch points and approved marketing materials were also created for the Pre-Diabetes Centers’ sales team enabling them to easily communicate with qualified leads when prompted by the system.

Pre-Diabetes Centers was able to stop using the less effective, disconnected marketing and CRM platforms they had used in the past. By replacing them with one flexible and scalable sales automation solution, they enhanced sales force productivity and effectiveness across multiple inside and outside sales groups. Additionally, Pre-Diabetes Centers’ marketing and sales teams were bridged together.  This created an environment where both teams could finally work together to achieve the company’s goals of improved customer tracking, marketing effectiveness and improved sales conversions.

John McGee is the CEO of OptifiNow.