Diane Kenyon, Harden Healthcare
Diane Kenyon, Harden Healthcare

Having outgrown their previous hosting provider, Texas-based Harden Healthcare went looking for a new solution. The organization found it in Xerox, which is now hosting Harden Healthcare’s data center, says Diane Kenyon, the provider’s senior vice president of information technology. Harden completed its migration in June 2012, and it’s been “incredibly good,” she says.

“Xerox has incredible monitoring and tools in place. I can now sleep with knowing that my servers are healthy and my systems are healthy,” she says. “My users are able to perform their job when they need to. When systems and servers are operating as they should, users don’t have to worry about screen freezing or where the printout went.”

Another strong benefit: The five-year contract included building a “level of disaster recovery that we need for our clinical systems,” she says.