James M. Berklan, Editor
James M. Berklan, Editor

It’s no wonder you, as a long-term care provider, might get fed up with the general media. Sometimes it has to seem that mass media journalists must sit around the office, wondering what they can do to score flash points with editors, plaintiff lawyers and talk shows.

Voila! The bash-a-nursing-home-operator-and-run sport is born.

Many of its brightest practitioners have unfortunately had success playing the “game.” For proof, just Google a tawdry phrase and add “nursing home” and you’ll see what I mean.

Doggedness to unearth salient stories for a deserving public doesn’t bother me. On the contrary. As a fellow journalist, I admire a quest to uncover the truth.

However, I don’t care for the part where there’s no attempt to explain broader perspectives.

Anyone who roundly dismisses nursing home staff or other LTC providers as uncaring or unmotivated clearly doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.

Anyone who takes such a negative view clearly cannot be aware of the impressive numbers for the McKnight’s Online Expo. Last year, for example, this virtual trade show had more than 5,500 long-term care professionals participate in the two-day kick-off — more than double the record of a year earlier. 

Add in subsequent Super Tuesday webcast attendance and the number rose to 8,000 unique visitors to the conference and exhibit halls. Thousands of continuing education units were earned.

If that’s not dedication to the profession, then I don’t know what is. 

The good news for providers is, the 7th Annual McKnight’s Online Expo is right around the corner. Opening sessions will run March 20-21 and again feature a pack of nationally respected speakers.

Once again, registration and participation are free for long-term care professionals. Up to five continuing education credits also can be earned — yep, also at no cost to you. Registration for all is ongoing at www.mcknights.com/expo2013. [Full session details also can be seen on pages 32 and 33.]

It’s a good time to make room on your calendar because you won’t want to miss these topics and speakers.

Anyone wanting to see or tell the full story of long-term care professionals at work needs only to check in at the McKnight’s Online Expo. It is where careers are polished and stars rise up.