A Call to Action: Optimal Diagnosis and Treatment of IBD in the Older Adult
A Call to Action: Optimal Diagnosis and Treatment of IBD in the Older Adult

Program Description:

As members of the Baby Boomer generation enter their 60s, it is reasonable to anticipate that clinicians will face an increase in the number of older patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Older patients with IBD can be a particular challenge for the practicing clinician, because they often present such issues as extensive differential diagnoses, comorbidities, polypharmacy, and poor patient adherence. These challenges complicate medical management and worsen patient outcomes. In this interactive activity, the faculty presents a series of clinical discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of older patients with IBD and delivers information that will help clinicians to improve the IBD care they provide and achieve better outcomes for their older IBD patients.


This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of gastroenterologists and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of older patients with IBD.

Activity Objectives:

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

— Discuss the differential diagnosis of IBD in older patients

— Employ strategies for accurately diagnosing IBD in older patients

— Explain factors that affect the safe use of IBD therapeutic agents in older patients

— Design effective strategies to treat active disease and maintain remission of IBD in older patients

To take this course, go to mycme.com. The log-in information for myCME is the same as McKnight’s. Please note that you will need to complete additional registration information.