The Boston Home is bestowed with the Gold Award for Innovator of the Year
The Boston Home is bestowed with the Gold Award for Innovator of the Year

McKnight’s is pleased to announce that The Boston Home has captured the Gold Award in the Innovator of the Year category in the McKnight’s Technology Awards — Connect Our World.

The Boston Home is being honored for its Wheelchair Enhancement Center, which it runs in collaboration with MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Center. Established by adaptive technology specialist Don Fredette, the Wheelchair Enhancement Center provides customized modifications to power wheelchairs. Modifications can include the mounting of personal electronic devices such as iPads and iPods, as well as seating components, lap trays, head rests and foot plates.

Judges praised the Boston Homes program, saying that it showed “great follow-through for helping those in need actually use the technology that has been developed through customization and adaptation.” The tech awards category honors innovative use of technology to improve the resident experience and increase financial efficiency.

New England-based Mid-Atlantic Health Care earned the Silver Award for creating a data mining overlay to its commercial electronic medical records product. The product helped the company lower readmission rates in its facilities between 10% to 18%.

Cleveland-based Life Care Centers of America won the Bronze Award for its Microsoft Business Intelligence solution, which streamlines operational data, giving the provider deeper insight into key performance indicators.

Click here, here and here to read more about the winners announced earlier this week.

McKnight’s Technology Awards announcements will conclude tomorrow with the announcement of the Transitions Award winners. The Tech Awards are run in cooperation with American Health Tech.