White House proposes 'accelerated' skilled nursing facility payment cuts
White House proposes ‘accelerated’ skilled nursing facility payment cuts

Failed budget deficit negotiations in Congress could result in an $11- billion reduction in payments to Medicare providers, a government analysis released Friday predicts.

Under the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011, if Congress cannot agree on a plan to reduce government spending by $1 trillion, a set of “triggered” or “sequestered” cuts will be enacted on Jan. 1.

If a stalemate occurs, the Obama Administration favors a 2% reduction in payments to Medicare providers, rather than cutting beneficiary benefits, according to a report released by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget.

Long-term care groups point out the 2% cut would result in the loss of 766,000 jobs in the healthcare sector over 10 years.

Click here to read the OMB’s report.