Ask the nursing expert
Ask the nursing expert

Q: How can I learn how to write a Plan of Correction once a 2567 is received from a state survey?

A: I learned how to write the Plan of Correction from a more seasoned director of nursing colleague of mine. Odds are there is somebody you know or look up to in the profession who might be able to give you tips or instruction on this. It’s nice to have someone “in person” while doing one.

Sometimes it helps to review the POC from the facility’s former state surveys to get a sense of how the facility wants to see them formatted.

You also can contact your state chapter of NADONA/LTC or the national office for feedback from one of it’s experts. The website for National Association for Directors of Nursing in Long Term Care is

Keep samples filed away for future use. I find that they are useful and always come in handy.

I would like to get to know my GNA staff a little better. What type of interactions might you recommend?

Oh, there are so many ways! When making your rounds, make a point of getting to know one GNA per day just a little bit better. Ask things such as, “Where did you go to school?” and “What are your career goals and how can I help to support you as your director of nursing?”

Simply commenting on a uniform or by asking the aide where she purchased her uniform can usually start a good conversation.

My favorite interaction is inviting a GNA to have lunch with me, as time allows. I also look back over my long career in healthcare to the moments with my former supervisors who were meaningful to me, and that helped me to see them as more than just a “boss.”