The Real Nurse Jackie
The Real Nurse Jackie

I think Mother’s Day can be a special day in ourfacilities. I think the past week just proved it yet again. But it goes beyondjust one day.

Some of us are blessed to still have our moms; some of usare blessed with memories. Ivisited a dementia unit last week (at a very impressive culture changefacility, if I may add) and I started to think what it might be like if”Momma” didn’t remember me. It hit me personally, I guess.

In our careers, we see the devastation of dementia everyday and emotionally support the family members who deal with the pain of being”forgotten.”  But howwould I handle it if my mom forgot who I was?  What if I wasn’t the “baby” anymore, a role Istill love to escape to now and then.

Who doesn’t love to hear, “Hey, baby girl, let Mombring you a cocktail out to the veranda.”  (Ahhhh, I feel the tension leaving me now!) 

But if mom did forget, how could I honor her and helpmyself deal with that pain? Howcan I honor all these “moms” whose time and place is in the distantpast? Maybe by being who they needme to be at the time? Maybe just sitting and listening and holding a hand (orbrushing hair) for a few minutes while they talk about whatever it is that ison their mind at the time?

That’s why I think Mother’s Day can always be a specialday. Yet we have an incredible opportunity to honor all these moms in specialways — and not just on the second Sunday of May each year. 

I would love to hear from you. What have you personallydone for your residents around Mother’s Day?  Did your facility typically have a particularly specialroutine or celebration that you can share?  If so, leave your comments in the space below.

And to all of the mothers out there: Hold on to thosememories as long as you can. Oh, and have a relaxing beverage in your favoritequiet place—  whenever you want!

Just keeping it real,

Nurse Jackie

The Real Nurse Jackie is written by Jacqueline Vance,RNC, CDONA/LTC —  a real life long-term care nurse who is also thedirector of clinical affairs for the American Medical Directors Association. Anationally respected nurse educator and past national LTC Nurse Administratorof the Year, she also is an accomplished stand-up comedienne. She has notstarred in her own national television series — yet.