For the second time in four years, McKnight’s Long-Term Care News has captured a Grand Award for overall editorial excellence.

McKnight’s received four APEX Awards in all. Editorial Director John O’Connor earned an APEX distinction in the “Editorial and Advocacy” category for his monthly column “The Big Picture.” Editor Jim Berklan’s monthly column, “Editor’s Desk” was honored in the “Regular Departments and Columns” category. In addition, McKnight’s Assisted Living was recognized in the “Covers” category, for a cover illustration created by Scott Pollack for a story entitled “Fishing for new dollars.”

“This really is a great honor for McKnight’s,” said O’Connor. “We are blessed to have a team that is fully dedicated to giving our readers the news, information, analysis and perspective they need.”

In all, McKnight’s has captured 17 APEX awards in the past five years. The annual contest recognizes excellence in content, design and “overall communications effectiveness and excellence,” according to organizers.