Democrats have been successful in telling Americans that the Republican-proposed budget known as the “Ryan plan” could have a significantly negative impact on nursing home residents, according to a new poll.

Sixty-three percent of respondents said they were “very” concerned about Republican budget proposals when told that Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan would cut $750 billion from Medicaid. That figure includes funding for 80% of nursing home residents. The poll was conducted by the Democrat-leaning firm Anzalone Liszt Research for Protect Your Care and the Herndon Alliance.

Another poll, conducted by Bloomberg News and Selzer & Co., found that by a margin of 57% to 34%, poll respondents think the country would be worse off if the government adopted Ryan’s proposal to privatize Medicare. The Congressional Budget Office finds that Ryan’s plan would double the cost of healthcare for future seniors within 10 years according to the Huffington Post.

Budget talks continued Thursday, with top Republicans pulling out after a contentious bargaining session, The Washington Post reported.