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The Affordable Care Act’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, a panel created by the law to contain Medicare costs, is now drawing criticism from both major political parties.

The IPAB panel would be made up of an independent commission of doctors, nurses, medical experts and consumers, President Obama has said. It would be charged with slowing the growth of Medicare costs and recommending ways to lower spending while retaining services for seniors.

While IPAB has never been a hit, its popularity has declined further. House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) has said it would ration care. Even Democrats who support the Affordable Care Act, such as Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA), oppose it, according to the website She’s among seven Democrats who have co-sponsored a bill to repeal this provision from the ACA. The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, an advocacy group that supports healthcare reform, also voiced its opposition to the board.

“IPAB turns Medicare into a scapegoat,” Max Richtman, executive vice president and acting CEO of the National Committee, told Politico. “Medicare will be forced to make reductions without addressing the rest of the health care costs.”

The House Energy and Commerce Committee likely hold two hearings regarding the IPAB next week.