I couldn't live without...Pryme Radio headsets
I couldn’t live without…Pryme Radio headsets

Rusty Marsh, an administrator at Atlantic Memorial Healthcare, looked to Pryme Radio Headsets to reduce the noise from the overhead public announcement system at his 97-bed facility.

Since implementing the new headsets, Marsh has been thrilled with the results.

“We are able to reach each other quicker, get answers immediately, and best of all—quietly,” he says.

“It also saves us time in trying to find someone. Unexpectedly, we have received and continue to receive many unsolicited compliments from patients and family members about the quiet atmosphere and quick response time to help.”

Marsh has noticed that his facility has been able to improve efficiency with the headsets, as well as improve communication.

“Our patients and customers like that we are always trying new ways to improve the patient care experience.” he notes.

Privacy protections
Pryme Radio specializes in two-way communication accessories, which ensures that only staff—not residents or visitors—can hear personal information about another resident. For more info: (800) 666-2654 or www.pryme.com