Health of Aging Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual AdultsAging gay and lesbian senior citizens are more likely to suffer from chronic health conditions and live alone, a California policy brief reported.

Researchers at UCLA’s Center for Health Policy conducted a study in California that found half of all gay and bisexual men ages 50-70 live alone, compared to 13.4% of heterosexual men that age. Among gay and bisexual women, more than one in four lives alone, compared to one in five among straight women. Reduced support from relatives makes it more likely that gay, lesbian and bisexual people will face higher rates of diabetes, hypertension, mental health challenges, physical disability and other health issues, researchers found.

“Many aging LGB Californians do not have biological children or strong family support,” said lead researcher Steven P. Wallace. “Organizations that serve these communities need to take this into account and consider outreach and support mechanisms that enable these individuals to maintain their independence and ability to age safely and in good health.”

To read the brief, click here: