James M. Berklan, Editor
James M. Berklan, Editor

We’re back and better than ever. That familiar, proud phrase is the first thing that popped into my mind as I wondered how I would approach this month’s column topic. There’s really no other way to put it.

The McKnight’s Online Expo — the virtual trade show that thousands of people have come to enjoy over the last four years — is nearly upon us again. Only this time, it will not just kick off March 23 and roll into March 24. It also will continue for another six months.

That’s right: six months.

Once again, we’ll bring you five free webinars over a two-day period. And again, there will no charge if you want to earn any of the five continuing education credits available. You just have to register — now ongoing at www.mcknights.com.

But the flow of information and exhibit-browsing won’t end there. For each of the next six months, we’ll host special live, web-based programs to complement the two-day kick-off. They’ll occur once a month and get right to the heart of the matter. Experts in numerous fields—reimbursement, resident care, technology and more—will address you live via a simple computer hook-up.

And, again, the price couldn’t be more right—it’s free. So pencil in March 23 and 24 now. These are especially important dates for earning CEs. While the sessions will be archived until the end of June on our website, you must sign up for and attend the “live” performances on these days to meet accreditation requirements.

Several hundred letters of testimony from participants last year reinforced a key view: To get the most out of this win-win experience, you should sign on, and then shut your office door so you can enjoy the event uninterrupted.

Tell your colleagues this will be your time. Or better yet, suggest they sign up and take part at their own computers. (Accreditation rules say there can be only one CE granted per computer.)

After all, who can’t use the latest expert advice and news to do his or her job better? Just like last year when we integrated breaking news of the day into webcasts, we’ll bring you the hottest, most important happenings for your job.

The McKnight’s Online Expo. It is back, and it is truly better than ever.