Former Exec. Dir., American Medical Directors Association
Former Exec. Dir., American Medical Directors Association

Q: What did your recent 2010 membership survey reveal?

A: The typical medical director continues to be a part-time primary care physician. Though the number of full-time medical directors grows with each survey, the lion’s share of service is still delivered by the same dedicated population.

Q: How can you tell?

A: The hours served remain steady, but the involvement and patient care responsibilities increase. Like everyone, medical directors are doing more in the time they dedicate to patients in this setting.

Q: You’re convinced this is good?

A: As they get more involved in facilities they serve, they’re not going to 10 others because they’re spending more time where they are. They’re not just running in, doing the minimum and
running out.

Q: What concerns you?

A: I’d like to have more doctors involved, but it’s better to have physicians committed to the patients rather than minimally involved because they feel it’s some obligation or something somebody begged them to do.

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