Senate passes Section 202 housing reform bill
Senate passes Section 202 housing reform bill

The U.S. Senate on Monday approved a bill that would improve the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 202 program, which provides housing to low-income seniors.

“Over one-third of the Section 202 population is considered disabled enough to be at risk for being put in a nursing home,” Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI), chairman of the Special Committee on Aging, said in a statement. “Access to these types of services saves both seniors and the government money because they reduce the need for costly nursing home stays. “

Among other reforms, the bill lets owners use excess financing proceeds to increase accessibility and expand supportive services. It also establishes a new use of funding under the Section 202 Assisted Living Conversion program for “Service Enriched Housing,” according to the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. The House is expected to vote on the legislation today.