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PFund Ready To Serve Report

Agencies that provide assistance to the elderly do not have the training necessary to effectively help gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender senior citizens, according to a new report from the University of Minnesota and the PFund Foundation, an organization that specializes in gay rights issues.

While agencies surveyed for the study say they treat clients in this population equally and are open to specialized training, funding for the training presents a challenge, the Twin Cities Pioneer Press reported. But experts who regularly work with gay, bisexual and transgendered senior citizens say that it isn’t enough for agencies to say they treat everyone equally. The issue is helping these seniors feel comfortable talking about their nuclear families during the intake process.

PFund Foundation in the report says it would like to see more gay and lesbians on advisory boards of organizations that serve seniors. It also hopes to see the formation of agencies that provide outreach services to gay and lesbian senior citizens.