President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

A new poll finds that more Americans feel positive about the new healthcare law, but it is unclear whether this approval will continue to rise.

The poll, conducted June 17-22 by the Kaiser Family Foundation, found that 48% of Americans had favorable views of the law, while 41% had unfavorable views. This compares to 41% favorable in May and 46% in April.

Some aspects of the bill so far have generated positive feedback. For example, the federal government has begun sending $250 checks to Medicare beneficiaries caught in the doughnut hole.

But there is still some deep dissatisfaction with the law. The state of Virginia challenged the Justice Department on Thursday, arguing that the law is unconstitutional. Virginia is one of 21 states seeking to invalidate the law. The judge said he would rule within 30 days.

The law also has some significant stumbling blocks to the law’s long-term success. There is still no permanent solution to the Medicare physician payment cut. And while the law calls for an expansion of Medicaid, states cannot afford any growth in spending.