President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

The White House today is expected to release its own version of a healthcare reform bill in advance of a healthcare summit to be held Thursday.

Details of the White House bill were not available at press time, though Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the plan would take the best ideas from both the House and Senate bills. It is widely expected that the proposal, which is being billed as a unified Democratic bill, will eliminate a provision exempting Nebraska from its responsibility to pay for an expansion of the Medicaid program. White House officials are crafting the bill in a way that allows Democrats to pass it using a 51-vote majority in the Senate, rather than the 60-vote super-majority lawmakers had been struggling to overcome.

The healthcare summit will take place Thursday. President Obama will meet with leaders from both houses of Congress to debate healthcare reform proposals in an effort to get the process back on track.