Nursing-home nurse salaries grow slower in 2009
Nursing-home nurse salaries grow slower in 2009

Compensation for nursing home nurses is rising a littlemore slowly than in recent years, according to newly released 2009-2010 NursingHome Salary & Benefits Report from Hospital & Healthcare CompensationService (HCS).


The pay rate for directors of nursing roseby a healthy 3.75% in 2009, though that figure was down slightly from the 3.91%increase in 2008, according to the report’s survey results. Likewise,compensation for licensed practicing nurses experienced a slower rate of growththis year. Their pay rose just 2.07% in 2009, compared to 2.89% in 2008.


The average time it took to fill a vacant LPN positiondecreased significantly, however–from 38.85 days in 2008 to 25.13 days in2009. Vacancy rates dropped from 15.03% to 14.39%, the HCS report added.


This year’s salary report pulls information from 2,245nursing homes of varying size and composition from around the country. Resultsare broken into profit status, bed-size and geographic region, among otherdemographics. More information is available at