Let them eat cake! This dessert tells the good news about McKnight's' ASHPE awards honor.
Let them eat cake! This dessert tells the good news about McKnight’s’ ASHPE awards honor.

McKnight’s Long-Term Care News was named the nation’s best healthcare publication on Monday by the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE). It earned Publication of the Year honors, garnering a record seven awards in the 2009 ASHPE competition, its most ever.

The Publication of the Year Award is given for overall excellence in editorial content, use of staff, graphics and service to the readers. McKnight’s also won a repeat Gold Award for Best Online News Section (www.mcknights.com). In addition, McKnight’s captured a Silver Award for Best E-Newsletter for its McKnight’s Daily Update, a free news service that delivers custom-written updates each business day.
The second McKnight’s Silver Award was for Best Single Issue (October 2008). The Haymarket Media affiliate has now won 31 ASHPE Awards over the last eight years.
The 2009 McKnight’s prize winnings include three Bronze Awards: Best News Section (McKnight’s Long-Term Care News), Best Regular Column: Staff Written (“The Big Picture,” by Executive Editor John O’Connor) and Best Regular Department (“Design Decisions,” by Brett Bakshis). It marks the eighth straight year McKnight’s has been honored for Best News Section and the third time that O’Connor’s column writing has been duly honored.
The annual ASHPE Awards program recognizes outstanding editorial excellence and achievement in healthcare publications. The full list of 2009 winners can be found at www.ashpe.org.