Many residents require eating assistance.
Many residents require eating assistance.

The Centers for Medicare & MedicaidServices has completed a guide for providers who want to employdining assistants in their facilities. After a drawn out battle, CMSagreed five years ago to allow the use of paid feedingassistants––provided they achieve a certain level of training andhave the approval of the state.

Yet despite what was seen as a bigvictory for providers – because they would no longer have to usehigher paid nursing staff to assist with many feeding tasks — theyhave been relatively slow to train or use the assistants, federalregulators say.

“We believe this is due to thelimited resources currently available to educate decision-makers ondesigning and implementing dining assistant programs, andinsufficient understanding of the advantages to the resident” andoperators, report authors explain.

“Dining Assistant Programs in NursingHomes: Guidelines for Implementation” is available through theAmerican Health Care Association Web site here.The 138-page guide leads providers through a step-by-step process forassessing their options and resources, as well as how to set goalsand implement a sustaining program.