Have you ever considered the parallels between a career change and implementing intelligent automation solutions? The Army Nurse Corps motto, “Embrace the past — Engage the present — Envision the future,” resonates with Sandy, a project manager who transitioned from nursing. 

Just like venturing into a new career path, intelligent automation requires a unique perspective – one that learns from the past, adapts to the present, and plans for the future.

This guiding principle holds the key to a successful automation journey. Here’s how the Nurse Corps motto translates into the world of intelligent automation:

Learning from the past: Building a strong foundation

Every successful career change builds on past experiences. Similarly, implementing automation solutions requires a deep understanding of your existing workflows. This means analyzing current processes, identifying bottlenecks and pinpointing areas for improvement. Just like a nurse assesses a resident’s history before treatment, this initial step is crucial for a smooth transition.

Early automation efforts were often rigid and rule-based – think of a factory robot programmed for a single task. While these systems increased efficiency, they lacked adaptability. 

The past also teaches us the importance of human-machine collaboration. Automation tackles repetitive tasks, but human ingenuity remains essential for creative problem-solving and strategic decision-making.

Engaging the present: Collaboration is key

Nurses work hand-in-hand with other clinicians and residents to develop effective treatment plans. Likewise, successful automation hinges on collaboration. Actively listen to your team’s concerns and ideas. Understanding their daily struggles with manual tasks paves the way for targeted automation solutions that truly make a difference.

Today’s intelligent automation is powered by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and big data. These tools allow machines to “learn” from past data, identify patterns and make real-time decisions.

Envisioning the future: A streamlined workflow

The best nurses can envision a resident’s healthy and comfortable future. Similarly, intelligent automation should be implemented with a clear future vision in mind. Think about the future state you desire: streamlined processes, reduced errors, and a more satisfied staff. Keeping this vision at the forefront ensures your chosen intelligent automation solutions propel you towards that future. 

The partner in progress

Consider intelligent automation as a partner to tackle repetitive tasks, free up valuable time for staff to focus on work that requires creativity, critical thinking and human connection.  

Here are some key tools for intelligent automation:

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA automates routine manual tasks like data capture and data validation across various departments, freeing up clinical and administrative staff for more strategic work.
  • Document management: These solutions automate manual processes, including document capture/archiving/retrieval, converting scanned documents to searchable formats, and easily making documents electronically accessible from the software applications where clinicians and staff already work all day.
  • AI: AI enhances and automates tasks by providing data and key information to reduce time necessary to create content, perform tasks and make decisions.

The benefits are clear

Imagine your care setting staff being empowered, not replaced.  Here are a few specific beneficial outcomes of intelligent automation:   

  • Increased efficiency: Streamlined workflows lead to faster decisions and reduced errors.
  • Improved employee satisfaction: Freeing staff members from repetitive tasks boosts morale and allows them to engage in delivering more quality to the valuable work of providing care.
  • Reduced costs: Automation can significantly lower operational costs.

The journey to begin

Taking the first step in the journey towards intelligent automation can be exciting, but it also requires careful planning and management.  Here are key considerations for your journey:

  • Identify the right tasks: Focus on repetitive, time-consuming, document and data-driven tasks with clear rules and outcomes.
  • Invest in the right technology: Choose tools that align with your specific needs and budget.
  • Prepare your workforce: Upskill clinical and administrative staff to adapt to new workflows and work alongside intelligent machines.

Ready to embark on your intelligent automation journey? 

Change can be daunting, but with the right approach, intelligent automation can be a powerful tool for transformation. Experiences with intelligent automation in care delivery settings inspire Scott to encourage other organizations to begin the intelligent automation journey. 

By embracing the past, engaging the present, and envisioning the future, you can pave the way with intelligent automation for quality care delivery from a more satisfied, efficient and successful staff of care providers.  

Scott Bruno is a Regional Healthcare Executive for Konica Minolta. He has held leadership positions with healthcare technology companies focused on improving clinical workflows, outcomes and staff satisfaction. Scott earned his BBA from the University of Toledo and is also a licensed CPA in the State of Ohio.

Sandy Spence serves as the Intelligent Automation Supervisor on Konica Minolta’s Intelligent Automation Professional Services team. Leveraging her project management and leadership expertise, Sandy has a proven track record of success in improving clinical workflows, patient outcomes, and staff satisfaction within the healthcare and technology industries.

The opinions expressed in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News guest submissions are the author’s and are not necessarily those of McKnight’s Long-Term Care News or its editors.

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