Labor nominee mum on card-check issue
Labor nominee mum on card-check issue

Senate Republicans grilled President Barack Obama’s choice for Labor secretary at a recent confirmation hearing. But Rep. Hilda L. Solis (D-CA) gave them little ammunition.

Despite earlier sponsorship for card-check legislation, the four-term congresswoman steadfastly refused to express her opinion on organizing rights. Solis repeatedly told senators that she had not discussed the issue with Obama and could not speak on behalf of the incoming administration.

Republicans and many industry officials are concerned that Solis, a strong supporter of unions in her eight years in the House, will bring a pro-union bias to the Labor Department.

“This is a very important position,” said Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT). “It can’t be used to magnify one side over the other or any side over the other. It has to be handled fairly.” The industry remains especially concerned about the Employee Free Choice Act. The measure would eliminate the need for elections, and generally make it easier for workers to form bargaining units.