Ask the nursing expert
Ask the nursing expert

How do you get staff to take personal accountability for problems?

I find this to be harder and harder as time goes by.

All we are looking for when we ask questions is a reasonable explanation as to how an issue occurred. It seems that we have a lot of investigations to do these days, and statements to obtain.

During several staff meetings, I have emphasized that the regulations are there to advocate for our residents and that most situations can be explained. It is also important for staff to know that they are not going to get fired for every incident.

Sometimes accidents do happen and either retraining or training can promote positive outcomes. I stress the importance of honesty and personal accountability to the team, and well-being of the residents in our care.

It is time to set goals for the upcoming year in the nursing department. Where do you suggest that I begin?

I am doing goal setting a little bit differently this year. I will meet in separate groups with staff, beginning with licensed staff, then GNAs, medication aides, and my supervisors. I will ask each group to make a list of projects/goals that they would like to champion. The larger staff groups can set a couple of goals, and the smaller group, such as the medication aides, might pick only one project for the year.

Members of each group appoint a facilitator for the project and then develop a timeline. The timelines will all be posted in my office, for all to see. As I plan my monthly calendar, I will look back at the progress from the current month and plan for the next month.

Always keep in mind that goal “ac­­com­plishment,” which promotes teamwork and a sense of making a difference ­during the storm of day-to-day challenges.