Salaries increase for DONs, administrators
Salaries increase for DONs, administrators

Nursing home operators and otherproviders have some powerful opponents when it comes to at least onekey aspect of the economic stimulus bill now in the U.S. Senate: thecountry’s governors. States’ top execs have come out against anamendment from Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) that would essentiallyguarantee providers retain existing Medicaid reimbursement rates.

The amendment (A. 387) would requirestates to retain their current Medicaid provider reimbursement ratesif they want to partake in the roughly $85 billion funding packageand its rich Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) funding.The NationalGovernors Association, however, sent Senators a letter urging them to“reject attempts to further restrict states’ eligibility for theenhanced Medicaid FMAP.”

The Senate was toresume debate on the bill this week. Legislative leaders are hopingto pass a Senate bill and reconcile it with a previously approvedHouse version by the end of the week, according to observers.Medicaid is the top single payer of nursing home services in theUnited States.