Salaries increase for DONs, administrators
Salaries increase for DONs, administrators

Two House committees late last week approved a two-year $825 billion stimulus package with provisions for long-term care facilities. These included $87 billion in additional state Medicaid funding and a moratorium extension on six unpopular Medicaid rules.

During a late evening mark-up session on the bill Thursday night, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved a provision providing a temporary increase in the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) to the tune of $87 billion. It also extended the moratorium on six unpopular Medicaid restrictions from April 1 to July 1 of this year.

Meanwhile, before approving the legislation, the House Ways and Means Committee passed an amendment to ensure that no reductions could be made to Medicaid reimbursements for long-term care facilities, hospices or medical students. The provisions will be combined into a single bill (H.R. 1) expected to go to the House sometime this week. Senate committees are expected to mark up their versions of the stimulus package next week.