New York City is finally welcoming its first life plan community, and providers around the country have a lot to learn about the process to create it — and the eye-popping array of amenities and services it’s going to offer. 

It’s liable to be not only the first but also the last of its kind, believes Daniel Reingold, president and CEO of RiverSpring Health. He may be right.

But Reingold’s most radical comments center on his hope for today’s nursing home format: “Blow it up,” he says, in all earnestness. “Evolution is off the table.” 

Consumers hate it, the government hates it and business managers, especially on the nonprofit side, all hate it, he observes.

 He explains what three kinds of nursing homes should continue to exist and also offers tangible suggestions on how to convert the others in this provocative conversation with McKnight’s Executive Editor James M. Berklan.