Peter Orszag
Peter Orszag

The recent appointment of Peter Orszag to director of the White House Office of Management and Budget indicates that the Obama administration is serious about controlling the rising costs of healthcare, according to news reports.

Orszag, in addition to his role overseeing the federal budget, is expected to use his reputation as a leading thinker on healthcare policy to address the rising cost of healthcare in the United States, according to The Washington Post. Orszag reportedly lauds the benefits of a simplified healthcare system as a way to reduce costs. He believes, for example, in the widespread benefits of people taking their medicine and exercising, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Orszag’s knack for fiscal responsibility will be key for Obama in the early days of his administration, news reports say. One of his first responsibilities will be to recommend budget cuts to spending programs, which may include Medicare and Medicaid, according to the Post.