Obama administration unlikely to enact pending Medicaid rules, panel says
Obama administration unlikely to enact pending Medicaid rules, panel says

Seven unpopular Medicaid rules, six of which were delayed from taking effect, are unlikely to take effect under an Obama administration, panelists said at a meeting of the American Bar Association this week, a news outlet reported.

Among other restrictions, these Medicaid rules would place limits on Medicaid funding to government-owned nursing homes and hospitals and save at least $15 billion over five years. Providers and healthcare associations spent much of the first part of 2008 lobbying against these rules to Congress, resulting in the yearlong moratorium on six of the rules. (McKnight’s, 4/17)

Moratoria on the six rules are set to expire on March 31, 2009, but the administration is not likely to enact the rules, presenters at the ABA’s Washington Healthcare Summit suggested, according to the Bureau of National Affairs. CMS issued a final version of the seventh rule, concerning outpatient hospital services, earlier this month.