Want to live longer? Cheer up and have a drink, researchers say
Want to live longer? Cheer up and have a drink, researchers say

Researchers in America and Canada have unveiled the secret formula behind aging well–and it’s more “upbeat” than some might think.

Positive outlook and low stress contribute to healthy aging, as does a smoke-free lifestyle. Having the occasional alcoholic beverage, it turns out, is a healthy choice, as well. Personal income is yet another plus, according to the report. Those who made $30,000 per year or more were more likely to be in the healthy category at the end of the study. Researchers spent 10 years studying the lifestyle choices and overall quality of life of nearly 2,500 elderly Canadians.

Only 8% of those studied maintained good health over the course of the 10-year survey. In the end, 9% were institutionalized, 36% died and 47% were reported to have poor quality of life or poor health. The full study is available in the October issue of the Journal of Gerontology.