Baby boomers want to know what Obama, McCain think about long-term care, survey reveals
Baby boomers want to know what Obama, McCain think about long-term care, survey reveals

The presidential candidates’ views of long-term care issues and funding will influence baby boomers’ votes on Nov. 4, a new national survey by Genworth Financial Inc. found.

A total of 84% of baby boomers say the candidates’ positions on these subjects will be an important factor in determining how they cast their votes, according to the survey of more than 800 registered voters aged 45 to 64. More specifically, 41% said the candidates’ views in these areas are “very important,” 18% said “important” and 25% said “somewhat important” in deciding how they will vote.

“Given the uncertain nature of the current economic climate, future financial security is of paramount importance to this generation,” said Buck Stinson, president of Genworth Financial’s long-term care insurance business, in a release.