Report: Finding qualified staff will be a challenge
Report: Finding qualified staff will be a challenge

The aging baby boomer population will strain long-term care resources, including the direct-caregiver workforce, according to Better Jobs Better Care. A new report from the research initiative offers an in-depth analysis of this critical caregiver population, and how to recruit and retain them.

Better Jobs Better Care, a product of the Institute for the Future of Aging Services at the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, was a four-year project designed to determine the best ways to improve workforce quality through both policy changes and practical changes in the long-term care industry. The program uncovered significant issues regarding pay and work relationships among nursing homes and hospitals, as well as a workforce turnover problem that affects the entire healthcare system.

The full findings of the report, and numerous articles on staffing issues, are available in a special edition of the journal The Gerontologist, or for purchase online at