States give most long-term care Medicaid funds to nursing homes, AARP finds
States give most long-term care Medicaid funds to nursing homes, AARP finds

Nursing homes still receive the lion’s share of state long-term care Medicaid funding, according to AARP, which released a new report highlighting the problems and promises of state long-term care Medicaid funding.

States across the country spend an average of 75% of long-term care funds for the disabled and elderly on nursing homes, the consumer group found. Four states-Alaska, Oregon, Washington and New Mexico-split their funds 50-50 between long-term care facilities and home- and community-based services.

Meanwhile, states direct 39% of Medicaid funds for people with mental retardation and developmental disabilities  toward institutional care. The report notes that Medicaid is required to provide funding for nursing homes, but is not required to fund home- and community-based services.

The full report is available at