Debate to continue for Baucus' physician payment cut bill
Debate to continue for Baucus’ physician payment cut bill

The Senate yesterday rejected a motion that would have brought a bill stopping a pending 10.6% physician Medicare physician payment cut up for an immediate vote.

The motion of cloture, which would have ended debate on the bill, needed 60 votes to pass. It only received 54. Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) introduced his bill late last week after negotiations to draft a bi-partisan bill broke down in late May.

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) Wednesday introduced his long-awaited alternative version of Medicare physician payment cut legislation. As expected, Grassley’s bill contains offsets in the form of cuts to indirect medical education payments under Medicare Advantage and restrictions on Medicare Advantage marketing plans that are similar to those in Baucus’ bill. Grassley, however, will pay for the rest of his legislation through cuts to Medicaid, where Baucus’ bill further cuts into Medicare Advantage plans.