Grape expectations: Tiny fruit holds huge age-related health benefits
Grape expectations: Tiny fruit holds huge age-related health benefits

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, buttwo new reports suggest that grapes may help stave off death itself.

First, researchers in Florida and Wisconsin have foundthat “resveratrol,” a protein found in grapes, red wines and otherfoods, has a significant positive effect on heart-health in old age. Accordingto researchers, low doses of the antioxidant also have remarkably similareffects to those of caloric restriction, a diet with 20% to 30% fewer caloriesthan a normal diet. Caloric restriction has been widely studied and found toincrease longevity in all kinds of animals and humans.

Also, scientists at the University of Cincinnati haveconcluded a study of the effect of grape juice on age-related memory problems.Twelve adults with early memory decline were given either 15 to 21 ounces ofgrape juice or a placebo every day for 12 weeks. Although both containedsimilar levels of sugar and calories, only the grape juice contained naturalantioxidants. The juice drinkers showed significant improvements in theirability to retain information, according to study author Robert Krikorian.

The Florida/Wisconsin study appears in this week’s onlineissue of the journal Public Library of Science. The results of the Cincinnatistudy were presented to members of the American Aging Association at theirannual meeting in Boulder, CO, earlier this month.