CMS clarifies physician delegation of tasks in skilled nursing facilities
CMS clarifies physician delegation of tasks in skilled nursing facilities

The nursing deficit could reach 500,000 by 2025, a newreport finds. 

Demand is expected to grow at 2%-3% per year, accordingto a new study by Peter Buerhaus of Vanderbilt University School of Nursing,Douglas Staiger of Dartmouth University, and David Auerbach of theCongressional Budget Office. As the need for nurses continues to rise, theactual supply of nurses will dwindle, the authors said. Many registered nursesare planning to retire in the next few years, which will offset the amount ofnew recruits.

Authors of the extensive report have laid out their ownrecommendations to help ease the nursing crunch. Their suggestions includeeducating more men as registered nurses and reinforcing the pay-for-performancesystem. Healthcare facilities, including nursing homes, currently areexperiencing a nursing shortage that started about 10 years ago. 

The 312-page report is currently available in bookstoresand online at