Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD)
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD)

A congressional panel of healthcare experts andlegislators will discuss preventive care in the United States at a forumWednesday. It also will reveal the results of a national survey on preventivemedicine.

The survey will reflect the nation’s attitude towardpreventive medicine, both as a national concern and in their daily lives.Besides the new study, panel members will discuss various pieces of healthcarelegislation that aim to increase preventive care awareness. Members areconcerned that many Americans are not taking enough control of their personalhealth.

Speakers at the event will include Dr. Ken Thorpe,Executive Director of the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, Sen. Ben Cardin(D-MD), Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO), as well as a number of senior congressionalstaff. The forum will take place Wednesday at 11am EST on Capitol Hill.Erickson Health, an integrated network of physicians, services, technology, andresearch, is hosting the event.