John O'Connor
John O’Connor
John O’Connor

Max Ehrman’s lovely poem Desiderata offers this insightful passage:

“With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”

That’s pretty sound advice, especially for days when life’s Crapola Machine shifts into high gear. And if you toil in long-term care, such days are usually not hard to find.

For this sector seems to be a magnet for a vast assortment of bliss busters. They include lousy payments, heavy-handed oversight, staffing nightmares and reputational challenges, just to name a few.

Yet at its core, long-term care can be magnificent to behold. And one reason for that is the field is over-represented by people whose commitment can lift us all.

Sadly, their inspiring actions tend to earn far too little notice or recognition. That changes, starting now.

I strongly urge you to enter someone on your staff who is doing truly inspiring work into our next Women of Distinction Awards program. We have created a new honor – the Spirit Award – for this explicit purpose.

The Spirit Award is open to women working in skilled nursing, senior living or home care who have demonstrated acts of bravery, courage, perseverance, dedication, determination — or other noble gestures. The awardees will be celebrated in conjunction with the McKnight’s Women of Distinction program.

Nominations in this category may be submitted at no charge. That’s right, for free.

By the way, nominations are also open for the larger event. Categories will include Rising Stars, Veteran VIPs and the Hall of Honor. However, please note there is a fee ($69 for early bird nominations through Dec. 9) for nominations in these other categories.

Life can get awfully busy as we struggle to make a living. Please take a moment to recognize someone who is truly making a difference. That person will be happy you did. So will you.

John O’Connor is Editorial Director for McKnight’s.