One in three eligible seniors have received a Pfizer COVID-19 booster dose in the three weeks since they were federally authorized, Biden administration officials say.

The federal booster program is off to a strong start, Jeff Zients, White House COVID-⁠19 response coordinator said in a Wednesday press conference. Over 7 million U.S. Pfizer vaccine recipients overall were expected to have gotten a third dose of the drug by the end of Thursday, he added.

The news comes as federal health officials mull whether to authorize boosters of Moderna’s and Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccines as well. Vaccine advisers are scheduled to wrap up meetings on Friday, with official recommendations likely to follow quickly.

“We have the vaccine supply, and we will be ready to hit the ground running as soon as any additional boosters are authorized,” Zients said.

Private and public sector vaccine mandates, including in healthcare communities, have contributed to a 20% uptick in initial vaccination rates as well. And organizations routinely are reporting staff vaccination rates of 90%, he said.

“We have the tools, the resources, and the know-how to accelerate our path out of this pandemic, and we are not letting up. We’re laser-focused on getting more shots in arms,” he concluded.