Lisa McCracken
Lisa McCracken

Recruiting technology tools are one of several “smart” solutions available to long-term care providers that could help address longstanding workforce challenges exacerbated by the coronavirus public health crisis, according to a new white paper.

Recruiting technologies were among several workforce solution tools detailed in a “Understanding the Technology Ecosystem for Senior Living & Care: An Overview of Workforce Solutions,” published last week by investment banker Ziegler. It focused on labor-related challenges in the smart aging sector.

“Recruiting technologies can address a number of pain points and include offerings such as applicant-tracking tools, analytically-supported tools that predict a candidate’s fit for a given position, and solutions that allow organizations to more easily engage and communicate with potential employees in their preferred manner (phone, email, text, video),” the analysis explained. 

“Additionally, some recruiting solutions include tools that simplify the hiring and onboarding process by offering automated interview scheduling, as well as paperless offer letters and other new hire informational and compliance forms,” it added. 

On-demand staffing, and scheduling, time and attendance solutions were also among the suggestions of resources providers could take advantage of to address workforce struggles by reducing burnout and increasing satisfaction among workers. 

“Because workforce challenges will likely continue for the foreseeable future, we expect the market for technologies that address labor-related pain points to grow and evolve accordingly,” authors Ziegler Senior Living Finance Director Lisa McCracken and research assistant Clayton Wilson wrote. 

“Given the outlook of the workforce solutions market, it is increasingly important that senior living and care providers familiarize themselves with the numerous technologies that can help address labor-related pain points. Doing so will not only help providers improve employee satisfaction, morale, and retention, but will also help improve resident care,” they concluded.