National Long-Term Care Administrators Week runs from Monday through next Friday (March 12). The event encourages activities that will allow staff, residents, families and volunteers to thank and honor facility leaders who have made a difference.

“The nation owes our long-term care administrators a debt of gratitude. Let us take some time to show our appreciation to these leaders. They touch the lives of residents and families, and, most importantly, ensure that their staff provides the highest level of quality care to a vulnerable population,” said Bill McGinley, president & CEO of sponsoring group the American College of Health Care Administrators. 

This year LTC Administrators Week takes on added significance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, McGinley added. 

“Our nation’s long-term care leaders have led the way in the battle with this virus,” he said. “The physical and emotional toll has placed undue strain on the profession. Sadly, some lost their lives. Now the vaccine provides some light at the end of the tunnel.”

Click here to download a press release that carries more information and can be adapted for local markets. Other information about suggested activities and more can be found here.