John O'Connor, Editorial Director
John O’Connor, Editorial Director

If you are like most long-term care professionals, the workday sometimes grabs onto nights, weekends and holidays. That means that we at McKnight’s need to deliver content that merits whatever little time and attention you can spare.

So we have few illusions about what we do. Our job is to give you useful information. Really, it’s that simple.

We also realize that few fields are as bombarded by change as this one. From emerging laws and regulations, to court decisions and workplace adjustments, you need to stay informed about many things at once – or else.
Fortunately, we’ve been at this business for more than a quarter century, and we’ve developed a pretty good reputation for sniffing out market trends, relevant developments and fresh data. But just like you, we need to constantly look for ways to step up our game.
Two recent innovations strive to do just that. If you look at page 40, you’ll see the premiere of “Leading by Example.” Jill Gilbert, the president and CEO of the, will be authoring this piece each month. Its premise is fairly simple: Jill will find people who are remarkably good at a particular aspect of eldercare services, and have them address secrets of their success. In the months ahead, she’ll be serving up insight on topics ranging from food service to design to dementia care – and more. I think you’ll find many valuable take-aways in this column.
Jill is well qualified for the task. does an unrivaled job of identifying the best eldercare facilities in their respective communities. This is achieved by subjecting each facility to extremely rigorous inspections and reviews. If your facility is among the lucky few to be chosen, congratulations on a job well done.
Another new arrival is “Vendor News,” which appears on page 36. This page will serve up relevant news about the people and firms providing products and services to your facility. It is not a value-added marketing portal for selected advertisers, a key distinction.
We think these new additions will prove very valuable to you. We’ll bring them monthly, along with all of the other award-winning contents you’re accustomed to. Please let us know if and how much they are helping you.
On a related note, we recently received some stunning results from a bi-annual Readex survey of the market’s various publications. Long-term care professionals indicated they prefer McKnight’s Long-Term Care News over its six top competitors – combined. We also lapped the competition in categories such as “most useful,” “fair and independent coverage,” “best scope of coverage” and “best news coverage.”
Thank you for giving us such great news.