Adm. Brett P. Giroir, M.D.

Coronavirus test availability is increasing after a series of events created shortages and longer wait times for results, says Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Brett Giroir.

Giroir on Wednesday said the recent test holdups were due to a surge of testing in nursing homes, a backlog in labs, and the closure of test sites on the East Coast due to Hurricane Isaias, according to Inside Health Policy.

Most major American Clinical Laboratory Association labs had a backlog at the end of July, the news outlet reported. Various sources had recently noted delays in getting results from four days to more than a week. “That is caught up now, which means our main turnaround time for our ACLA labs is now 2.3 days,” Giroir said.

The number of people being tested is also on the rise, nearing testing levels before the decline, he added. Currently, about 820,000 tests are performed each day, and HHS is opening more surge testing sites in COVID-19 hot spots, Giroir said.